Benefits of Membership
The Texas Clinical Nurse Specialists organization exclusively represents CNSs and their unique role. Benefits to members include discounts at the Texas CNS annual conference, notifications of local and national issues, announcements of conferences and events of interest to CNSs, opportunities for networking, and a voice in the political/regulation arena. A one year membership is $45.00.
Members include CNSs in various capacities of clinical practice as well as CNS educators, administrators, researchers, consultants, and CNS students.
Texas Clinical Nurse Specialists, in collaboration with other advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), is committed to advancing CNS practice and education, removing regulatory barriers, and facilitating public access to CNSs.
Texas Clinical Nurse Specialists is recognized as an affiliate chapter of the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists (NACNS), meaning that 25% or more of our members are also members of NACNS. This relationship strengthens our organization’s connection with other CNSs nationally and helps keep us abreast of global initiatives.