Texas Clinical Nurse Specialists - TxCNS

Do you have an NPI?

Posted over 5 years ago by Megan Wheeler in Professional Practice

Providers across the country are tracked by National Provider Identifier (NPI) number.  If you are in a direct care role, you likely have one as part of your prescriptive authority licensing.  If you do not, please consider applying for one, regardless of your role.  It is free to obtain a number.  Nationally, there are 40,000 CNSs.  Fewer than 4,000 have NPIs.  This makes us look nearly non-existent when data are gathered.  A broader presence will help us as we fight for full practice authority and other legislative issues pertinent to CNSs in the future!

Here's the link to apply for a number: https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/#/


Kathy A. Baker about 5 years ago

Actually, there are 70,000 of us nationally!

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